sábado, 21 de enero de 2017



In the article “La ONG andaluza Proem-aid: La ayuda humanitaria tiene que estar alerta de por dónde saltan y correr a su encuentro", that was published the 22nd of March 2016, the Spanish organization, named Proemaid, took over the rescues in Lesbos.

The Spanish non-governmental organization Proemaid, based in Seville, is formed by professionals who are specialized in rescue, and composed by firefighters and health personnel. It has helped and saved the lives of countless refugees, on the Greek island of Lesbos, who previously came from Turkey and at the same time were expelled of said country by the wars and terrorists.

In the article, they express how hard it is to help all refugees when there are so many countries that don't want to host them. There have been too many casualties by drowing since then new pact was established, due to refusal to allow the voluntees from Proemaid help the refugees get to the shore. But there's one thing these men can assure you: even if all the European countries decline needs and they will try to reach our countries no matter what stands in their way, which is the reason why we need to be there when they arrive.

Our thoughts about this organization are that these men are incredibly brave and sympathetic for risking their lives every day to save other people they have no kowledge about. They're saving these people for no apparent reason other than their good will, which is a heroic act all on its own.

David Smith and Elena Romero.

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